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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2013 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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we found little internet actually our schwartz accuses us prosecutors of being complicit in his suicide after he faces decades of being behind bars for downloading academic documents for public use. another slur in belfast she speaks to both sides in the weeks old clashes over the flying of the union jack and finds out they're not ready to give up their fight. grounds gives assurances its military operation against the mali islamists will be short and made warnings the country risks being bogged down in the conflict for followed longer than planned.
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and you saw russia and around the world this is our sea with me. hello and welcome to the program the product of criminal justice system arrive with intimidation and overreach this is how the family of this celebrated internet freedom activist swartz have described his recent suicide swartz face decades in prison after federal prosecutors allege he illegally downloaded millions of academic papers and plan to distribute them for free he has frequently interviewed trought and our own marina porter nine now takes a closer look at the man and his case. he was a computer prodigy an online activists co-founder of the social news website reddit and he was also a frequent guest on our team but twenty six year old aaron swartz was also the
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target of a federal computer hacking case and the trial was scheduled to begin next month that beginning will never come because swartz committed suicide inside his seventh floor brooklyn apartment in this building behind me on friday morning according to police he hanged himself and left no no behind and according to reports his girlfriend found him in the bedroom with a belt wrapped around his neck now swartz was arrested and indicted two years ago on allegations of breaching a computer network at the massachusetts institute of technology to download millions of pages of academic articles and other documents and swartz pled not guilty to the charges which carried a sentence of up to thirty five years in prison and a one million dollar fine in the aftermath of the suicide swartz's family released
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a statement blaming the prosecution the federal prosecution for driving the twenty six year old to take his own life they said in part quote aaron's death is not simply a personal tragedy it is the product of a criminal justice system rife with intimidation and prosecutorial overreach decisions made by officials in the massachusetts u.s. attorney's office and at mit contributed to his death unquote many of swartz's colleagues have been quoted remembering him as a genius kid brilliant and funny now at thirteen years old he designed his first web site at the age of fourteen he helped write the aura says program that alerts users to new blog posts warts also founded demand progress in internet group that campaigns against web censorship in this. ultimately led to many people considering him something of an on line robinhood one of our producers reached out to him in early january for an interview he declined in an e-mail saying that he was under
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the weather for many years also as did write openly about his ongoing battle with depression and at least one time wrote about the topic of death but his supporters his friends his family members believe that it was him being targeted by the federal government that caused this briley the federal government that his own life reporting from new york. so triggered tributes online from. like minded accidents a german and a pirate posse fabia reinhard believes the potential punishment facing forward for his activity was way too. it is completely ridiculous people are being charged with fifty thousand dollar fines for just are not into music on the internet or in swat was quoting pirates on the internet that should have been on the internet. a long
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time ago and actually j.-star. where the fire came from and said they wanted to put the fire on the internet anyway and swats just did a good job doing it i think the system is rotten this case whenever it comes to internet freedom whenever it comes to copyright infringement then all the senators other people in the house of representatives in the united states are the same side there is no differences. there they are five same side as hollywood does they are actually fighting for hollywood and making the last of them because it was carrying a very heavy legacy that will be difficult to fill its footsteps but there are a lot of people that are to fight for the same goals that were tried to go into what is what he was fighting for and i think the political movement that is fighting for a free internet is the strongest now and we will get stronger and there is no risk that this is not a very heavy loss for the internet community. as
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a political movement. there's a shaky common belfast where dozens of police officers were injured in the latest spate of sectarian violence over the weekend and last in the northern irish capital began when the catholic dominated local council voted to cut tail the flying of the british flag at the city hall in the world fiercely opposed by an early weeks of day and night trade battles and he's a staffer spoke to some of their protectors who are determined to keep up with their fight. well it's certainly been a turbulent time for northern ireland it's been six weeks now since the decision was taken to limit the number of days of fly city hall sparking. out on to the streets the weekends on saturday we saw some of the worst thing that has taken place. we have more than twenty nine police officers that were injured at the weekend in the damage that this is doing. much much further
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reaching. own business and investment in this area. talking to people from all sides of the debate to find out what exactly. the riot sparked by the like this speech showing no signs of abating at the weekend loyalists returning from the protest that won't pass the nationalist area both sides clashing police thing came under attack from loyalist rises many in the nationalist community. angry young loyalists pulling back an old sectarian narrative
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a worrying sign to remember the reality of past troubles. young people why are they coming out and reacting in this way. willing to accept. and you have as in the rice a roll of the sea what's happening right now is damaging northern ireland's image around the world can be done to stop this happening right now what with these people responsible alterations needed for the people on the street. when do you think this is going to start i don't think it's going to stop france will stop but after the still some calm in the form of
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a peace rally held on sunday and here have watched on into will de mint some in what's been taking place they've been dubbed the embarrassed all silent majority egos holdings of the sort of embarrassed majority rule silent majority would do is that represents to turn g. thing as quick barson here but there's no countries you see in these protests so for the test you see this you want to think of belfast we think oh yes we'll have more choosing the right. truth is like us that can be a good site there shuffle the good things up and that's where the sculpture. race is now on to come up with a solution to calm the situation before it gets any more and every riot every rock throwing chipping away at the heart full roger. r.c. belfast. still ahead for you this hour pushing weapons ahead a well with
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a pile of ensure that these are all approach people question the government's priorities of the country splashes the house hosting and not in large scale war game but ignores demands for economic change. germany's said to persuade the greek opposition that austerity plans need some say berlin is making approaches towards what it believes will be the future leader of the troubled euro zone meant that. the french foreign minister says his country's military campaign against islamist in mali will be a short one more than four hundred french troops are fighting in the african nation to help the government regain the north from well armed rebels who seized control of the area nine months ago but political writer and journalist barry loaned believes paris will be stuck in the operation for longer that it expects. i think it's also part of you know france's tradition has its colonial past or its great
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past in degree in west africa and also in asia and the french are still not forgotten that i think that's very much part of it and also of course there is that economic interest there if the country was really ready to come apart has their friend seemed to feel that perhaps it was i think the problem is that it's totally open ended the french have given no they probably don't know exactly what they're at the actives are what is there and how long is this going to go on and you're talking about a country just north of our morality which is twice the size of france and you track down these rebels these different groups who know these areas how do you deal with them with a few hundred troops in a way oh absolutely absolutely intentionally a huge involvement a very long task in the end what they're going to want to do in this time you can negotiate these people that's the only way i think it's going to come to an end.
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and as always don't forget we have more stories for you on our website including sig but don't find a new collection of clothes designed to hide the drones and other means of protection is that to bad in london so you had to altie dot com to read oh man could you put big brother's watchful eye. on not just cheering crowds for the pope's as members of the notorious ukrainian famine group stage i'm naked protester right in the halls of the box of him online with all the details of what spawned the women's discontent the face time. it. gets to be.
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like. oh. please please please. oh. please. cool.
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i. watch makes life complete. and a happy family. or self-expression. a show. that seems so true. for little. child.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are all today. and this is archie welcome back a law banning u.s. citizens from adopting russian children has become the target of the latest opposition rally in moscow thousands marched in the center of the capital on sunday protesting against their act our correspondent ego was that bars the protesters
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are demanding that the e.u. the authorities abolish a lot about the recently. from adopting russian children now this button is part of the russian lawmakers response to the money to be act passed recently in the united states which gives the green light for sanctioning russian officials suspected there in the states off while eating human rights of the reason why russian lawmakers chose to balance their guns from adopting russian children is due to the meaning pieces of the usually sometimes even deaths of russian kids after they were adopted and brought to the united states in fact the whole issue adoption has been quite a problem between russia and the united states for several years now and officials in moscow say it's not only the cases of abuse themselves but also the lack of a proper legal reaction from american authorities including the lack of heavy jail
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sentences which could have prevented these cases from happening again so authorities say that banning americans from adopting russian kids is actually aimed at protecting them and it's fair to say that they do have quite a large number of supporters in society in russia just recently about why the russian girl in her blog online wrote a personal letter to president putin for signs the bill in the end asking him to change his mind to abolish this law that she explain it by saying that in many cases the orphans which are being adopted by americans and many foreigners what americans in this case they are disabled and they are simply not able to receive the proper medical attention here in russia and we both know all getting heard from the president's press secretary to be false to said that i was going to put in will review this walk post even though it's not an official request also right before
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the end of last year one of the russians newspapers managed to gather around one hundred thousand signatures now protesting this law and under the deal. he also the president obama also that's to review this protest also needed to point out back to due to the current agreement between moscow and washington on adoption all those people who have already been able to find children who are going to be adopted and brought to the united states they're going to be able to finalize the process so these kids who are already sort of approved to be adopted will be able to go to the united states all the way until two thousand and fourteen. and go more pictures and videos from the latest opposition rally held in russia had to call for a closer look.
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of austerity when they german finance minister meets the greek opposition leader who's been holding firm against the building backed austerity strategery alex said surprise is expected to demanding tashan lenders change the terms of the international bailout for greece but his call economist again is very funny there's also a particular reason why germany is interested in this meeting. when was the last was in opposition from mrs michael if you saw to him and then find it much harder to is that it was relationship with him once he became president of the french republic similarly mrs the person may well be in government after the next election
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in the future in greece so germany needs to have a mode of communicating and not in order to be either on business that to go but missed the cheapest convention so bullish about that i wrong. thinking that would be some kind of good week communication. some of the international news and brave this hour for you antigovernment protesters in bahrain have reportedly clashed with police at the funeral of an activist he died after being poisoned by tear gas the fight broke out after security forces were said to have attacked a peaceful gathering of people who were mourning the death of the person than hunter hubbub or him abdullah was killed during a demonstration. but in pakistan to march on a country's capital after a cleric has discontent with the current political system the long march to her old
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country called it comes ahead of the election some politicians claim it was triggered by the state's military to destroy the polls themselves as the government should deploy drastic reforms and break up the corrupt regime. nigerian military forces claim to have captured a key figure from the islamist group boko harami mohammad as again or was reportedly caught in the country's north-eastern a city believed to be the heart of the insurgent group the government is trying to as the islamist group which has reported were responsible for thousands of deaths during a toxin surveillance. seven civilians have been cold after an explosion hit a religion in eastern afghanistan a crowd of people were trying to hold the dead from the collapsed mosque destroyed during overnight fighting between nato troops and the taliban police say a suicide vest on one of the dead insurgents might have caused the explosion. which
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. israel has hosted all spin calls the largest ever multinational air force exercise with more than one hundred fighter planes taking part they call but training came just a couple of months up to another large scale military drills conducted jointly with the u.s. and with a parliamentary election in the country just around the corner a growing number of israelis are questioning such huge expense a war games as policy explains. it's one of the united states sharing military drills bigger than any they've done in the past thousands of troops and millions of dollars but with social grievances that still need to be addressed and a prime minister looking for votes ahead of early january elections israelis are asking themselves yet again if netanyahu has his priorities straight. he's a cup at the least and under his term as we saw in the last few years of the cleavage between poor and rich we go the big elephant in the room is the defense
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budget israeli military spending was not supposed to grow more than one and a half percent a year but those figures have more than doubled in the last three years alone and now after an eight day war with hamas in gaza the defense establishment is pushing for even more money netanyahu is chances of a victory come january are high and television homeless opera pairing themselves for more of the same joys of bench moment arrived at this tent city with nothing more than the clothes on his back and a tank of gasoline threatening to set himself on fire. to me by the state nothing more nothing less my country is a soldier and i will stay here to the world i denied food i saw in the army many times but is this what i deserve. his tears echo the pain and abandonment people here feel. government has no time for us there is money there is a lot of money to help people like us who couldn't care less he will win again i
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know this. is a disgrace. according to the israeli central bureau of statistics thirty one percent of israelis are at risk of poverty prime minister netanyahu has formed committees to deal with the demands of anti austerity protesters but they complain he hasn't taken a single concrete step to address the concerns of the mostly i think we need to invest more in social issues housing and cost of groceries heat the security budget proportion look at them if you have security of society it's more important not less important than the security. officer but the voice on the street is drowned out by the bubble of weaponry and tell of obsession in showcasing its military prowess policy r.t. television. meanwhile israel's increasingly under fire for its settlements plan with the latest wave of international criticism sparked by the forceful every
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action of a palestinian protest cound dozens of and to supplement activists were detained after police raided the site despite an earlier court order preventing the government from such action and would talk to a palestinian man who took part in the north violent protests and he believes the upcoming israeli election is the reason behind a commotion when you have five more than five hundred fully armed israeli soldiers . there. with this force that says. that by itself it's violent but even within the process of. many. many of those that suffered brutal great things for no reason they did not even exist. they suffered due to the beatings we had at least six or seven of saws resentful activists treated in the hospital and a lot of them are hostile to see doctors for severe problems that they suffered
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from the beating it's a political issue for the. the going ahead with their settlement plans. to connect violent means sentiment to do so and they don't want anything with it legal or illegal to disturb their settlement expansion. and there's a lectures are coming up senator now has to take it off the stand tough position on on this particular case and coming up shortly after the break a speech allows crossed on to state that that. all. download
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the official ati application to your cellphone choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from alzheimer's if you're away from your television and well it just doesn't matter how would your mobile device to keep a watch on t.v. and any time anywhere at. least be told language close to the touch cold music programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the we'll talk to books that will be ip interviews intriguing stories for you to. see been trying all t. arabic to find out more visit our big dog all teeth dog called. the
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eaves. you know. and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear sees some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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oh and welcome to cross talk i'm peter lavelle ending international impunity this is the stated goal of the i.c.c. the international criminal court but is it delivering impartial justice to the world court supporters say after a decade in existence it's too early to say its detractors claim the i.c.c. is racist and hypocritical as well as a tool of the great powers. to cross-talk the i.c.c. today i'm joined by lawrence douglas and chickadee he is a professor of law jurisprudence and social thought at emerson college in boston we cross to william kaler he is a professor of international relations and history at boston university and in new york we cross to george samuel he is a fellow of the global policy institute of london metropolitan cross-talk rules in effect lawrence if i go to you first is the i.c.c. .


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